Startar: 23/10 10:00
Slutar: 23/10 11:00
Parasport Academy / Idrottssluss "5.0 edition", Göteborg
"Parasport Academy / IdrottsSluss” is a Parasport training channel and introduction to Swedish Parasport possibilities, for Refugees and immigrants with some sort of disabilities - age 15 years and older are welcome to join the activities.
"Parasport Academy / IdrottsSluss" presenterar Paraaktiviteter för nyanlända / asylsökande / aldrig tidigare parasportande personer från olika kulturella och etniska bakgrunder med någon slags funktionsnedsättning - 15 år och äldre.
- The ParasportAcademy / IdrottsSlussen started in 2016. During 2019/2022 the ParasportAcademy / IdrottsSlussen had around 15 Para-participants from different countries involved in the activities (Athletes with physical, intellectually and visually impairments).
- The first 4 years of the ParasportAcademy / IdrottsSlussen we did Parasport activities together with at least 40 people - hopefully even more participants will join us during the 2024, 5.0 edition.
We now continue on with the “5.0” edition of Parasport Academy / IdrottsSluss, in Spring and Autumn 2024!
NB! Pre-registration is required by at least three people per occasion. See contact details below.
OBS! Föranmälan krävs av minst tre personer per tillfälle. Se kontaktuppgifter nedan.
On Wednesdays in spring and autumn 2024.
På onsdagar vår och höst 2024.
At 10 am - 11 am / kl 10.00 - 11.00.
Pjäshallen, Övre Kaserngården 8, Gothenburg.
WELCOME - hope to see you, and / or a friend, at the 2024 occasions!
Dick and Stina, Sports Development Officers at the Västra Götaland Region Parasport Association the Gothenburg Office
INTERESTED? Please contact us for further information:
Or give us a call at phone number: 031-43 22 56. We do speak English.
- Invitation:
Öppnas i nytt fönster..
- Website:
Öppnas i nytt fönster..
- Calendar:
Öppnas i nytt fönster..
- Movie: For more information about Parasport in the region, check out our YouTube page Västra Götalands Parasportförbund and the “Parasport in Gothenburg movie”
Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster., a movie translated into different languages: Swedish, English, Arabic & Somali!