Invitation to Stockholm Paragames 2024 Wheelchair Rugby tournament
Nacka Spiders (Nacka HI), in cooperation with Stockholm Parasport federation are pleased to invite you to participate in the wheelchair rugby tournament, which is a part of Stockholm Paragames 2024. The tournament will be held 2 November - 3 November in Solna in the greater Stockholm area. The tournament is a mixed team tournament, where all attending players will be divided in equal teams. Hopefully, we will see a lot of close games.
Solnahallen, Ankdammsgatan 46, 171 67 Solna in the greater Stockholm area. All games will be played at this sport centre on a court with a wooden floor.
Saturday November 2, 2024 (9.00) until Sunday November 3, 2024 (17.00).
The type of tournament is a mixed-team tournament, where all rugby players, both unexperienced and experienced players, are welcome. The OC will divide all attending players in a number of equal teams. All players will play 4 games.
Entry fee
The entry fee is 300 SEK per player and this includes costs for the venue, referees and table officials.
Entry deadline
Please enter the tournament by e-mail to Magnus Krossén (O.C. Nacka HI) not later than the 5th of September.
>> Full information here << Pdf, 611 kB, öppnas i nytt fönster.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Magnus Krossén
Båtsman Stens väg 46
SE-163 41 SPÅNGA
Phone. +46-(0)708-713 916
Publicerad: 2024-06-12
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-06-12